Lord Christ,
Holy Week merits deep contemplation, but it’s overwhelming.
Things of eternal import should be overwhelming.
Fluttering palms and loud hosannas. The Passover meal. Your confrontation in the temple. Anointing and plotting. Foot washing. Parables, prophecy and prayers. The arrest. The inquisition. Your crucifixion. The burial. Denials and the despair of your followers.
The triumphal entry at Jerusalem rapidly devolves into a murder sanctioned by both church and state. A life of only three decades, a ministry of only three years, it all comes apart so quickly.
God does not respond to the prayers of those standing beneath the cross. The hoped for Messiah does not lead a revolt against the government.
And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it…
This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.
After the supper he took the cup…
This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you. (Luke 22:1-20)
Jesus, you offered a flesh and blood sacrifice. God did intervene.
Your lifeless body was revived, and believers are lifted up with you.
You continue to lead a revolt against evil and a revolution of the human heart.
Praise to you, Lord Christ, for the overwhelming, empowering, eternal significance of Easter. Amen.
Fluttering palms and loud hosannas. The Passover meal. Your confrontation in the temple. Anointing and plotting. Foot washing. Parables, prophecy and prayers. The arrest. The inquisition. Your crucifixion. The burial. Denials and the despair of your followers.
The triumphal entry at Jerusalem rapidly devolves into a murder sanctioned by both church and state. A life of only three decades, a ministry of only three years, it all comes apart so quickly.
God does not respond to the prayers of those standing beneath the cross. The hoped for Messiah does not lead a revolt against the government.
And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it…
This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.
After the supper he took the cup…
This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you. (Luke 22:1-20)
Jesus, you offered a flesh and blood sacrifice. God did intervene.
Your lifeless body was revived, and believers are lifted up with you.
You continue to lead a revolt against evil and a revolution of the human heart.
Praise to you, Lord Christ, for the overwhelming, empowering, eternal significance of Easter. Amen.