Saturday, June 27, 2009

Breaking Barriers II

Michelangelo, Saul's Conversion

LordI read Saul’s conversion story this week…with a new perspective. 
(Acts 9)

At first, it was shocking. A contemporary commentator* compared him to a Muslim radical.

…but Saul encountered Jesus. The fanatical, violent opponent of the new Jesus movement was transformed into Christianity’s greatest evangelist, St. Paul.

Who do we consider beyond redemption? Can I pray for enemies of my nation, the difficult neighbor or the coworker I mistrust? Could they become brothers and sisters in Christ?

Help me, Father, to love those who are different from me. Help me, Father, to see the world through your eyes. Use me to bring someone beyond hope into your family, that we both may encounter Jesus.

In His name, Amen.

* - N.T. Wright, Bishop, Church of England
Credit: From Scripture Union USA’s Encounter with God, 6/20/09, David Smith – International Christian College, Glasgow

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Was St. Paul's experience unique?
I believe God makes regular appearances, even house calls!

A tear in the heavens as a storm forms over our neighborhood.

The light in my backyard.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Breaking Barriers


I re-read the story of Philip and the Ethiopian this week.
(Acts 8:26-40)

The Ethiopian heard the Good News about Jesus Christ and asked “Why shouldn’t I be baptized?” He was a man of color, a gentile, a foreigner and excluded from the Israelite assembly by their Law.

…but Philip got in the water with him.

What boundaries will I break for the Gospel? What suspicions of nationality or race will I put aside?

Help me, Father, to love those who are different from me. Help me, Father, to see the world through your eyes. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Credit: From Scripture Union USA’s Encounter with God, 6/19/09, David Smith – International Christian College, Glasgow
Illustration: The Bible and its Story Taught by One Thousand Picture Lessons, published by Francis R. Niglutsch, New York, 1910

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Amazing Grace

Currituck Sound, NC

I've borrowed some thoughts and words from the Rev. Dr. Alastair Campbell, a Baptist teacher and author in Jamaica. He was writing about Grace for my Scripture Union Bible study. (Encounter with God, 6/14/09)

Dear Lord and Father,

No one can boast about their own goodness, the superiority of their nation or denomination.

We are saved by your grace. Your grace which chose us for no merit of our own. Your grace that has forgiven us again and again when we did not deserve it.

Yet nothing can separate us from your love, not even our persistent unfaithfulness.

I thank you, Father, for your marvelous grace. I pray that it will be evident in my life this day, drawing others to you.

From our timeless liturgy…

Grant to us such an awareness of your mercies, we pray,

That with truly thankful hearts, we may give you praise,

Not only with our lips, but in our lives,

By giving up ourselves for your service,

And by walking before you in holiness and righteousness all our days.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.