Friday, April 16, 2021

Pandemic Prophet

Micah is my favorite prophet. That owes entirely to his venerated admonition on the Lord's behalf:

Do justice, 

Love kindness, 

Walk humbly with your God.

(from Micah 6:8)

It is a challenging and powerful mission statement! 

So, I was thinking...

Public health officials (appropriately) and politicians (often inappropriately) dominate the pandemic discussion. What might a prophet have to say?

Woe to you!

Kingdom of America,

Nation of Contagion.

Fealty to your vaunted economy 

tramples a withered humanity. 

You abuse liberty. 

You pervert the

“pursuit of happiness.”

550,000 pandemic dead. 

Still, you resist masks, 

even vaccinations. 

You applaud reckless re-openings.

The common good takes a back seat 

to red/blue politics 

and your culture war.

You invite Divine cancelation!




...describe your grievances,

and your behavior,

but not your tepid faith. 

Sick and selfish souls 

are the real pandemic.

Are you so dull, so dim?

What part of this command 

eludes your comprehension?

Love your neighbor as yourself.

(Mark 12:31)

This scolding

brings no pleasure.

Let my harsh tone convict.

Mend your ways!

Our God stands ready

to forgive, heal and restore.


The prophet, for whom negativity is an occupational hazard, asked me to acknowledge the “love your neighbor” care and concern of essential workers, from nurses to grocery store cashiers. And for the mask wearers, the social distancers and the vaccinated.

Artwork credit

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter Distilled

I found myself making notes during Holy Week about the basics of Easter. Given the the layers of meaning and the resurrection miracle itself, it might be a misguided effort. There is no “Easter for Dummies.” It’s too grand and complex. Still, denominations, theologians, politicians, you and I are inclined to mold Jesus to suit our tastes, biases and needs. Therefore, I do believe that it’s a useful exercise to extract the essence of Easter.

God sends his Word

in the flesh

a life and lessons

of forgiveness, healing

humility, service


World counters Word

with rebuke, mocking 

betrayal, torture


Word answers

with obedience

with sacrificial love

God replies

with restoration

with covenant, Spirit

with resurrection power

We respond

with belief, repentance

“salt and light” 

with love


Artwork credit