Saturday, September 28, 2013

Personal Holiness

I have been confronted by the idea of personal holiness in my recent Scripture Union reading, but isn’t holy a word we reserve for God? It connotes sacredness. So, how can I even think of my own holiness? Because holy means set aside or different, dedicated to God. And there’s the challenge: How can I improve my dedication to God in EVERY aspect of life?

Almighty God, Creator and Shepherd,

I once thought that only ministers and missionaries could give you their full allegiance.

And devotion was expressed only at church.

Now I know, Lord Christ, that you reach out to everyone, everyone is called…

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in… (Revelation 3:20, NIV)

It’s God’s own truth, nothing could be plainer: God plays no favorites! It makes no difference who you are or where you’re from - if you want God and are ready to do as he says, the door is open…he’s doing it everywhere, among everyone. (Acts 10:34-36, The Message)

Indeed, that is the Good News, but it prompts serious questions.

How do I express total devotion to you? (Something far more comprehensive than Sunday worship or the occasional service project.) What does total devotion look like as a husband, a father, at work, in my community? How do I bring the Kingdom to bear on those relationships and responsibilities?

It’s a methodical process of improving behavior, committed service and concern for others. With the Spirit’s help…

He must increase, but I must decrease. (John 3:30, KJV)

With greater humility and selflessness, may ALL aspects of my life be consecrated to God. Amen.

Challenging quotations from Scripture Union’s Encounter with God:

The will of God deals with our motives as well as our actions; it focuses more on the little decisions we make every day than about the big decisions we make for the future.
Jerry Sittser

The call to follow Jesus is a call to radical difference – a call to live in alignment with the character and values of a holy, just and merciful God. Steve Bradbury

The Kingdom of God is the reign and rule of God in our minds and hearts, our relationships and responsibilities, and the issues of righteousness and justice in society. Lloyd John Ogilvie

The principle of guidance is not complicated; it is simplicity itself. It is that your life is always at the disposal of the Lord in order that he may work out his plans. Alan Redpath

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