Sunday, March 5, 2023

"I Quit!" in Lent

My career ends as Lent begins. 

I treasure the accolades, the friendships and memories, but the real treasure is God’s faithfulness over fifty years. 

Retirement unfolds and I’m called to relax my grip on what was. There’s a Holy knowing in this Lenten season that it’s merely dust and ashes. 

Mark my forehead with those ashes - a sign of humility, a reminder of my mortality.

Bass, Rohr and Nouwen are my counselors (via e-mail.*) They are far more helpful than Job’s friends! 

Bass reminds me about “stripping the alter,” about our monuments turning to dust. It’s time to sweep out the attic; create something new. 

Rohr calls me away from prestige, success and influence. What he calls my survival dance is to be replaced by a sacred dance. 

Nouwen encourages a new focus: to think God’s thoughts, to speak God’s words, to take God’s action. 

May all of this take hold in my head and my life. Amen. 

* Links to Diana Butler Bass, Richard Rohr and Henri Nouwen: