Very appropriate! St. John’s Doubting Thomas story was the Gospel reading last Sunday. After the Easter celebration, my own need for verification creeps in. The doubt of Thomas resonates:
Unless I see the nail marks in his hands…I will not believe it. (John 20:25)
Lord Christ, your life was a succession of reality bending events: the virgin birth, water to wine, feeding the multitudes, walking on water, healings, raising the dead, your own resurrection.
…but 1st century journalism doesn't necessarily engender faith and belief. Verification really occurs in the heart. Your words, Jesus:
Blessed are those who have not seen and yet come to believe. (John 20:29)
Much is made about faith as a decision. Are you saved? Do you believe X, Y or Z?
…but I thank you for the blessing of faith. It has crept up on me. It didn't happen in a flash. It has enveloped me over the years. It’s clearly a result of your grace. And that is verifiable in my life. My Lord and my God, I believe! Amen.