Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Triumphal Entry

They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” (John 12:13)

Dear God,

On Palm Sunday we sing HOSANNA!

…but do we really understand what we're cheering for?

Jesus, our King, was riding a donkey. I believe the message was about humility and servanthood. Hard stuff. Will I shout a hearty Hosanna to that?

Jesus, our King, was just days away from a crooked trial, humiliation, torture and death by crucifixion. I believe the message was about supreme obedience and sacrificial love. Hard stuff. Do I have a sincere Hosanna for that?

…but we know how the story ends. A grand finale for sure: The resurrection. Reconciliation with God for mankind. Eternal life.

Help us Lord to wrap our minds and hearts around that notion of reconciliation: Despite my flaws - even my resistance - you offer your hand, extend your loving arms and reveal your resurrection power.

Yes, indeed! I can shout Hosanna to that!

In the name of The One who makes it possible, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Photo credit - National Geographic