They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” (John 12:13)

On Palm Sunday we sing HOSANNA!
…but do we really understand what we're cheering for?
Jesus, our King, was riding a donkey. I believe the message was about humility and servanthood. Hard stuff. Will I shout a hearty Hosanna to that?
Jesus, our King, was just days away from a crooked trial, humiliation, torture and death by crucifixion. I believe the message was about supreme obedience and sacrificial love. Hard stuff. Do I have a sincere Hosanna for that?
…but we know how the story ends. A grand finale for sure: The resurrection. Reconciliation with God for mankind. Eternal life.
Help us Lord to wrap our minds and hearts around that notion of reconciliation: Despite my flaws - even my resistance - you offer your hand, extend your loving arms and reveal your resurrection power.
Yes, indeed! I can shout Hosanna to that!
In the name of The One who makes it possible, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Photo credit - National Geographic