Friday, January 8, 2010

Reverent & Jubilant

Sunrise at Sunset Beach, NC

Again, I turn to Max Lucado for a challenging thought. In his book And the Angels Were Silent Lucado warns against our tendency to “replace the Living God with the puny achievements of man.” The Psalms are an antidote:

Words of praise, Lord, from Psalm 24...

Words of praise, Father, from Psalm 89...

Dear God, do we really see or sense your splendor? Maybe our view is inadequate? Improve our vision.

Is our worship anemic? Does it capture your majesty? Infuse us with your spirit.

Surrounded by your presence, we are both reverent before our sovereign, all-powerful, creator God…and jubilant at your grandeur, blessing and love.

Thanks be to God. Amen.