Thursday, May 2, 2013

Spiritual Infrastructure

Lord God,

We are trained to view sin as something we said or did...or something we failed to do. Sins of commission and omission. 

Are we missing the bigger issue? What about our spiritual infrastructure, the true condition of our hearts?

Do I have a small faith? Am I clinging to my insecurities, fears and prejudices?

Is my vision too narrow? Are my views set in concrete? Am I overly partial to my particular brand of religion?

Do I seem blind to your guiding hand, insensitive to your call? Is dedication to my job an excuse for selfishness? Am I missing opportunities to sincerely engage with the people around me. 

Holy Spirit, take control of my habits and reflexive responses. I'm striving for fewer retractions and omissions. I want the things I say and do to be worthy of a Christ follower. Make me useful to the Kingdom, supporting and cooperating with your work in the world. Amen.

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