Here’s a prayer mash-up from two of my Sunday morning readings, and St. Luke’s account of Jesus’ post resurrection appearance along the road to Emmaus.
Join me, Jesus,
on my road to Emmaus.
I want to tell others about you,
the resurrection story
and resurrection living.
Walk with me, Jesus.
I need your support,
your inspiration.
Our fellow travelers
don’t look like me,
live like me,
believe like me,
vote like me.
And then you shout to them:
Come to me all you who want to belong, and I will give you a table to sit around. Come to me all you who feel disconnected. Come to me all you who are lonely, cut off, rejected, and marginalized. Come to me. Come home. Come be part of the family that I want to share with you.
Open my eyes, Jesus,
to the scriptures,
to your spirit,
to open my arms,
my heart.