Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Breaking Barriers


I re-read the story of Philip and the Ethiopian this week.
(Acts 8:26-40)

The Ethiopian heard the Good News about Jesus Christ and asked “Why shouldn’t I be baptized?” He was a man of color, a gentile, a foreigner and excluded from the Israelite assembly by their Law.

…but Philip got in the water with him.

What boundaries will I break for the Gospel? What suspicions of nationality or race will I put aside?

Help me, Father, to love those who are different from me. Help me, Father, to see the world through your eyes. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Credit: From Scripture Union USA’s Encounter with God, 6/19/09, David Smith – International Christian College, Glasgow
Illustration: The Bible and its Story Taught by One Thousand Picture Lessons, published by Francis R. Niglutsch, New York, 1910