I’ve been thinking about discipline, testing and perseverance.
I confess that the opening verses of James are a challenge for me:
Consider it pure joy…when you face trials… (from James 1:2)
Consider it pure joy…when you face trials… (from James 1:2)
That’s a difficult concept to embrace, Father, but it’s beginning to sink in…
Athletes understand perseverance and endurance. There’s much to overcome, but they find great satisfaction in the discipline and testing.
And Christians have James’ promise: …the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (from James 1:3-4)
There’s the joy! We will be “complete, not lacking anything.” A maturing faith. Greater intimacy with you. Growing in trust. Growing in grace.
Lord Christ, I pray for your guidance and support in my trials...that I may find joy in daily living, joy in the promise of your presence. Amen.