Friday, December 23, 2016

Advent Voices

Isaiah, the Psalms, John the Baptist, the Gospel stories of Jesus' birth...   Voices of Advent. Competing for my attention. Vying for my heart.

I have tried to note, ponder and pray the various themes of Advent's Lectionary readings over the past four weeks. Now, I assimilate that in a prayer. 

I am compelled to push aside the discouragement of current events and embrace the theological - that the Messianic era has begun, that we are in the midst of a restoration, that "God's glory fills the earth!"

Holy Spirit,
Let's get ready. 
Let's be Advent-ready.
Christ comes!

This is a time 
to sync my life 
with God's rule.
A time to confess. 
Bear good fruit.
Christ comes!

First emphasis: 
Love God.
Followed by: 
Care for the oppressed, 
the hungry, 
for foreigners.
Christ comes!

Over and over,
the Prophets 
and Psalms admonish:
Pursue justice.
Pursue peace.
Christ comes!

For healing, 
the poor 
and poor in spirit. 
For feeble hands
and wobbly knees.
Christ comes!

And miracles:
From elderly childbearing,
to a virgin birth,
with stars 
and angels.
The intersection 
of the Divine 
and humanity.
Christ comes!

Our God
- in Jesus -
to revive us,
to restore us,
to save us!
Christ comes 
at Christmas!