“But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself." The Message translation adds a bit more emphasis - I will attract everyone to me and gather them around me.
The ALL and EVERYONE of that verse may have inspired the hymn “When Christ was lifted from the earth” by Brian Wren:
Where generation, class, or race divides us to our shame, he sees not labels but a face, a person and a name.
Thus freely loved, tho’ fully known, may I in Christ be free to welcome and accept His own as Christ accepted me.
(Episcopal Hymnal, #603)
I’m reminded that Christ calls us to welcome His own…ALL and EVERYONE. My prayer:
But it’s quite possible that you don’t share my class, cultural and racial preferences.
Search me, Father, and show me where adjustment or reform are in order. Where do I need to change? Where have I been wrong?
I often ask you to endorse my views, but what I really need to do is seek your will, your way. I need to be a better listener for your voice.
In your love and grace, I can handle the uncomfortable and challenging revelations.
Set me to work today on your priorities…with your attitude, your preferences and your values.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.